Sweet Home Education Foundation Inc
EIN 35-2655236
- Elementary & Secondary Education
Sweet Home Education Foundation: Providing Sweet Home families with the resources for a better tomorrow
The Sweet Home Education Foundation (SHEF) is a non-profit (501c3) dedicated to helping Sweet Home students and families. Established in 2019, SHEF began by raising money for Teacher Mini-Grants. With a successful mini-grant program underway, SHEF began to invest in a Weekend Backpack Food Program. This proved to be vital for our community through the school shutdowns during COVID. Feeding hundreds of students on the weekends continues to be a primary focus for our foundation. With hundreds of volunteers, SHEF is able to provide non-perishable food to the doorsteps of our families in need. Throughout 2020, many more programs were added out of necessity: Prom Dress Giveback Program, Athlete Snack Program and Sponsor a Musician. SHEF continues to grow with new endeavors for fundraising and community support. Please visit http://www.sweethomefoundation.org for more details on SHEF!
SHEF's Mission: To enhance the educational experiences of students in the Sweet Home Central School District by providing financial support and other resources for enrichment in academics, athletics, extra-curricular activities, and community outreach.