City Honors Foundation
EIN 16-1510686
- Verified
- Elementary & Secondary Education
Supporting academic and enrichment activities for students in grades 5-12 at City Honors School (Buffalo Public School #195).
The City Honors School/Fosdick-Masten Park Foundation was formed in 1996 by a dedicated group of parents, alumni and educational leaders aiming to help bridge a widening gap between the increasing cost of a high quality learning environment and the dwindling funds available from State and district sources. The creation of the CHS/FMP Foundation as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization offered a way to provide academic, athletic and extra-curricular enhancements for the City Honors School and to ensure that no student’s learning experience or future would be compromised by a lack of funds. Our Foundation relies on the generous support of alumni, parents and friends of City Honors School at Fosdick-Masten Park. Through their contributions, the Foundation is able to provide funds for instructional and learning technology, resources for the library media center, peer tutoring, faculty training, and to underwrite a wide variety of visual and performing arts programs. Additionally, funding is provided for the International Baccalaureate program, extracurricular academic activities, athletic teams and the preservation and reclamation of our historic National Register school building and campus. The Foundation also serves as a unifying organization for members of both the CHS and FMP communities who share a common love for our school and school building. Charitable giving from alumni of both the City Honors School and the Fosdick-Masten Park High School is administered by the Foundation through a partnership with the alumni associations. This arrangement comes with a commitment to honor and preserve the rich history and traditions of a unique academic community affectionately known as the “the school on the hill.”
The City Honors School/Fosdick-Masten Park Foundation aids in bridging the gap between the increasing costs of a high-quality learning environment and the uncertain funds from the State and districts, allowing City Honors to provide exemplary enrichments to the overall academic experience for every student.