2024 Give 716
July 15th 2024 @ 7:16pm EDT - July 18th 2024 @ 7:59am EDT
Thank you for your support!
Total Raised
Find a Charity or Individual to Support
We will be keeping the website open for donations until 8am on 7/17 for donors that may have missed their opportunity to Give today on 7/16. The grants will end after the 11 o'clock hour on 7/16.
Grants: Buffalo Sabres and Buffalo Bills Foundations will make three (3) $500 grants per hour beginning at 8pm on July 15 through 11pm on July 16. Charities will be selected randomly and must receive one donation of $25 or more during that hour to be eligible.
All donations made within a Matching Donation hour will be eligible to be matched. Donations will be chosen at random and matched up to $500 each.