Birthday Squad Of Buffalo Inc
EIN 27-2416150
- Youth Centers and Clubs
- Community Service Clubs
From no birthday to happy birthday for underprivileged kids in Buffalo!
The Birthday Squad of Buffalo was started in 2009 when Buffalo local Julie Schmit knew that every birthday should be celebrated and that she wanted to help children from families who struggle to do just that. In February 2023 Geeta Sethi expressed interest in continuing the Birthday Squad mission and was instated as Board Chair and Director and our new board was named and has been fulfilling the same mission throughout Western NY since.
Currently, we provide monthly celebrations and birthday gifts to resident children at the Buffalo woman and children’s safehouse shelter, Cornerstone Manor. We also stock a birthday closet at Lackawanna Middle School for children pick a gift on their special day. Lastly, we supply Birthday Bags (birthday cake and party supplies) to students Sweet Home Education Foundation Weekend Backpack Food Program.
Our current partners would like us to expand our reach, and we also have outreach from other organizations who would like to fund us. All funds we raise will go towards continuing our current partnerships as well as expanding the number of children we can celebrate and establishing new partnerships.
The goal at the Birthday Squad of Buffalo is to ensure that all kids feel celebrated on their birthday. We are an all volunteer team that delivers birthday gifts for children at Cornerstone Women’s Shelter, provides birthday gifts to children at Lackawanna Middle School, and creates birthday boxes for Sweet Home School Districts SHEF program. Our mission is to help impoverished and homeless children in our community celebrate their birthday. Our vision is to support with Youth Development and ensure that kids feel valued on their special day, regardless of their socioeconomic status. We as a team believe in making our future generation more confident and empower each child no matter what walk of life they are from.