Down Syndrome Parents Group of Western New York Inc
EIN 22-2873663
- Family Services
- Special Population
We are a 100% volunteer organization working to raise awareness of Down syndrome while enhancing the lives of people with Down syndrome in Western New York.
The Down Syndrome Parents Group of Western New York is a 501c3 non-profit organization which was formed in October of 1979 by a group of parents whom connected through the common bond of parenting children born with Down syndrome. Having found no regional support network available at the time, and little information readily available about the genetic disorder, they decided that such an organization was greatly needed. The Down Syndrome Parents Group of Western New York filed for non for profit organization status 501-c3 in 1987. Since its inception, the group has supported hundreds of families in and around the Western New York area while promoting awareness of Down syndrome, and acceptance of individuals born with Downs. Through a series of annual events which have become a yearly tradition for many families in the area, DSPGWNY has continually expanded awareness of Down syndrome while enriching the lives of the many people whom have taken part.
Our mission is to inform, educate, and create awareness of Down syndrome throughout our community while improving the lives and supporting the families of those persons with Down syndrome.