East Aurora, NY
Hawk Creek Wildlife Center Inc
EIN 16-1395421
- Wildlife Preservation/Protection
Engage, educate, empower, and act to save wildlife and wild places
Educational programs- through over 2500 education programs and 500 animal patients each year, hawk creek reconnects humans to the natural world and inspires an appreciation of nature. hawk creek puts the wild in wildlife education. our knowledge, professional, and passionate staff will entertain and educate through close encounters with real live animals. nothing has a greater impact than the sight of a great horned owl or red-tailed hawk just feet away. a fully licensed and insured facility, all educational ambassadors are issued a yearly health certificate by a qualified veternarian.
Saving wildlife through education and conservation. Hawk Creek Wildlife Center is home to rescued non-releasable animals as well as rare and endangered species. We reach over a million people with our conservation messaging annually through our outreach and events.
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