Nor-Ton Red Jacket Club, Inc.
EIN 16-1334605
- Youth Centers and Clubs
- Programming
Donald F. Miller Park - A Camp for Western New York Youth
The Nor-Ton Red Jacket Club, Inc. operates and maintains Donald F. Miller Park to provide low-cost outdoor educational opportunities to youth from all over Western New York. Each year our organization serves approximately 2,800 youth.
Miller Park has approximately 800 trees on 24 acres of property. Many of these trees are beautiful Eastern Cottonwoods that have grown to 100 feet or more. These trees have massive trunks and forked stout branches. Naturally, on occasion, branches, or entire trees come crashing down.
In an effort to manage the danger of falling branches or trees we have our woods inspected by certified arborists in and around areas where children play, picnic, and camp. The professionals try to identify any branches and trees that might potentially fall. The cost of removing these dangerous branches and trees is expensive.
With Give716 2024 our goal is to raise $1700.00 to help with the identifying and removing branches and trees that our arborist's identify.
The Nor-Ton Red Jacket Club, Inc. operates and maintains Donald F. Miller Park in order to provide low cost outdoor educational experiences for area youth.