
Phoenix Rising Equine Rescue & Rehabilitation Inc
EIN 80-0482338
- Animal Protection & Welfare
- Nonprofit Management
- Community Service Clubs
Help Save Horses!
Horses come to us in a number of ways. From feedlots (their final stop before shipping to slaughter), barns that have closed leaving horses with nowhere to go, horses that were going to be euthanized because owners could not care for them, horses on their way to auction; our veterinarian has even asked us to take several horses that had nowhere else to go and needed help.
We look for horses that need help; we often have not met the horses we rescue and take in all breeds.
Some of the horses have physical issues and some have emotional trauma as well. Some have not had training or proper handling. Some are just unfortunate.
We have them anywhere from months to years. There are a few horses that may remain in sanctuary with the rescue permanently. We had a blind horse that we thought would remain here forever. A young couple fell in love with her and adopted her, along with another horse as a companion....so you never know!
What all of the rescue horses have had in common is that they have nowhere else to turn and they desperately need help; this is often their last hope.
Our mission is to rescue and rehabilitate animals, particularly horses, that have been injured, abused, neglected, abandoned or orphaned. We carry out this mission by providing good nutrition, medical care and emotional support in a safe and nurturing environment.