St Lawrence Vineyard Ministries Inc
EIN 84-3233385
- Food Security
- Nutrition Programs
We provide food, clothing, and other services for those in need.
St. Lawrence Vineyard Ministries Inc. (SLVMI) is located on the east side of Buffalo near the Cheektowaga line. For over a century St Lawrence Church served the poor in our neighborhood. We understand that changes make it impossible for the parish where we began to continue. St. Lawrence parish always recognized that the parishioners are not only those registered at the parish, but those who live in our neighborhood. In the spirit of our patron, we believe that the riches of the Church are found in the people we serve. St. Lawrence Vineyard Ministries, Inc. was formed in 2019 to continue ministries begun at St. Lawrence to honor the legacy of our parents and grandparents. In 2020, we began to manage the many decades-old St. Lawrence Outreach Food Pantry. Our neighbors will risk further food insecurity if the food pantry cannot remain. Over 1,000 people monthly look to us for supplemental food. No other pantry is readily available to serve these clients. We reviewed our options including buying the property, moving to another location, and renting from the purchaser of the entire property. No suitable site has been located. Many of our patrons have no transportation and walk to visit us. This prevents us from moving very far. Renting poses several problems: there is no control over other tenants in the building or its upkeep, and we may be unable to pay the rent. Other food pantries closed when the new owners expected market rent that they could not pay.
Recently, we began a Capital Campaign to enable us to purchase the property where we are now located. Our fundraising goal of $500,000 is substantial. This includes purchase expenses; however, much of this money would go to needed renovations that will: provide a new heating/air conditioning system (saves energy and money and increases reliability,) improve pantry efficiency, increase client dignity, add accessibility, allow mission expansion, and includes a unique ability to provide income toward our ministries well into the future.
St. Lawrence Parish was home to many of us, our parents, and grandparents. It was there that the food pantry was founded. It is there that we feed over 1,000 people every month. In addition to the food pantry, we sponsor a clothing closet and plan to continue St. Lawrence Parish’s annual Christmas Gift collection for children of families needing assistance. It is this legacy that we want to continue as we serve our neighbors - as we have been doing for over 25 years.
Help us continue to serve our neighbors! Donate today. Better yet, make it a regular gift.
In the spirit of our patron, St. Lawrence, we believe in the dignity of every person and their absolute right to secure their basic human needs in spite of poverty, lack of education, lack of transportation, and employment, and to do so in their own community.